Live Art Installations

Art at IFP
Create LIVE art in front of thousands of people
Calling artists, mix media artists, sculptors and designers.
Can your art grab eyeballs?
Does your artistry have the power to mesmerise, inspire, and leave a lasting impression?
Each year, over 20,000 creators visit the IFP festival at Mumbai to change the way everyone perceives the world through their art. We are looking for artists who can create engaging art on the spot and be the attention seeker.
About the Initiative -
If you have an idea for an installation piece that fits in this world of misfits, we want to commission it and want you to create it in our festival visited by thousands of the most revered creators in the country. IFP has always strived towards the propagation of artistic expression and this is our undertaking to do just that!
How will it happen?
We will select the top 5 applications based on their professional profiles, idea, execution, and prelim designs and call them to create art at our Festival in October 2024!
No limitation, no restrictions!
Pitch your idea to us now!
What is the festival all about?
IFP is a multi-staged content festival that happens across four days with more than 180+ Prominent Creators from Films & OTT, Digital, Literature & Writing, Music, Design & Art, Storytelling, Audio & Podcasting, Photography, Tech & Gaming, Comedy, Culture, Advertising and Performing arts who will participate in various Conversations, UnPanels, Workshops, Masterclasses, Live Performances, and AMAs.
What is the Interactive Art Installation/mix media initiative about?
If you as an artist think art is the ultimate mirror of a society, then IFP is looking to commission interactive/mix media installation art pieces for its upcoming festival to be exhibited in front of some of the most revered artists and art enthusiasts of the country attending in huge numbers. This is part of IFP’s mission at propagating and carving a space for artistic expressions to flourish.
When and where is the festival happening?
The festival is scheduled to take place on-ground in Mumbai on October 12 & 13, 2024.
What needs to be submitted with the application form?
The artist needs to submit their work portfolio, a file containing images or links with works reflecting your artistic style, and an updated CV with the form.
How does the timeline unfold for the Interactive art installation initiative?
- The application closes on August 31, 2024.
- The Top 50 profiles will be selected and informed on Sep 5, 2024, along with the theme for the installation.
- The Top 50 artists need to submit a proposal on Sep 10, 2024, with the concept note, materials used, budget breakdown, and any other information they think the IFP team needs to be informed about.
- The Top 5 proposals selected for commission and funding will be announced on Sep 15, 2024, with the budget and other information conveyed personally to each selected artist.
Who will own the rights to the art piece?
You would be the sole owner of the piece and we would have no stake in it.
What are the main requirements to be mentioned in the proposal?
The artist's proposal is the core of the Interactive art installation. It needs to contain:
- The concept note
- How does the installation piece qualify as ‘Interactive/mix media’
- The budget breakdown will include everything from the materials to the transportation
- Request for extra space other than the dimension assigned
- A Rough schedule/ workflow
- The artist can mention any other detail that they think is important for the IFP team.
How will you ensure the protection of the financial and artistic rights of all parties involved?
There will be a legally binding agreement with details regarding the financial and artistic rights written in lieu of both IFP and the artist. The agreement will contain details about how the budget will be dispersed and the responsibility of the artist towards the team of IFP regarding the submission of the artwork.
Can a team apply?
Yes, you can pitch your ideas and work as a team too.
Is there an age limit for applying for the interactive installation initiative?
No, there is no such age limit. IFP believes that art surpasses all barriers!
Where would my art piece be displayed?
The commissioned work will be displayed at the festival which will happen this year in Mumbai scheduled for October 12 & 13, 2024. A designated space of a fixed dimension (10x10) will be provided to each artist which will be conveyed to every commissioned artist via email and Whatsapp.
Can more space for displaying the installation be asked?
Yes, the artist, on being commissioned with making the Installation for the festival can tell us if they require more space. The availability of more space cannot be ensured and is subject to the total number of works commissioned for the festival.
Will IFP provide the materials and transportation required to make the installation?
No, we will not be able to provide the materials and transportation. Instead, IFP will assign a pre-decided budget to each commissioned artist, to be released within timed intervals, which will cover the cost of the materials, transportation cost, and other miscellaneous costs regarding the making of the Installation.
What are the basic requirements to apply?
If you are a mix media artist, graffiti artist, sculptor, designer, (and many more) or just an artist who has a fun idea to make at the festival, you can apply. We’ll commission your artwork if it is selected in the top 5.
Are there any application fees for this?
The application is completely free of cost
What will be the evaluation criteria?
Originality of work
Visual Appeal
Public Interaction
Will TBL (Travel, Boarding, & Lodging) be included if we travel to Mumbai from another city?
No, IFP will not be responsible for TBL.