Now set the groove of your house according to your mood!
Lights play an important role in setting the ambiance of a house. They influence our behavior and how we feel. For eg- Dim yellow light can make us feel relaxed while a brighter fluorescent light can feel ready and energetic.
And now imagine having the freedom to dictate the lighting and the mood of your house so that it matches all the occasions you want to cherish. Sounds awesome right?
Participation open for all. No registration fees.
We are here to change how your home looks and feels!
Send us the pictures of your home and tell us how you want your home lights to reflect your different moods.
We will select the best entry and help them re-design their homes by adding Wipro Smart Lighting Solutions for free!
The last date to submit is - July 31, 2022
Have a Query?
What is Wipro Smart Lighting Solutions
Experts will do an in-depth analysis of your floor plan to get you a custom lighting solution that includes the design layout of the lights and the necessary products as per your requirement.
To know more about Wipro Smart Lighting Solutions, click here
Here is a video of a couple from Ahmedabad who told us how Wipro changed their lives for the better!
Apply here for your Free Home Makeover
Submit a minimum of 3 Photos of your home and a reason in the form. We'll call you if we select your home for the makeover.
Lights in, please!
Have a Query?
- By submitting an entry, participants acknowledge that they have read all the terms and conditions and undertake to abide by them at all times.
- The submitted content must not contain violence, profanity, sex or direct attacks on individuals or organizations. Any entries deemed offensive will be immediately disqualified.
- The photo submitted must be of your home only.
- The participant must certify and warrant that the submitted content does not violate the rights of a third party or any copyright.
- By submitting their photos to Wipro & IFP, participants agree to grant Wipro & IFP free-of-charge, the right to use the video in any manner and media, including without limitation, the right to publish, adapt, distribute, copy, display or translate in printed or electronic media even if they are not the winning entries- on any platform, in perpetuity with the need to give credits to the participant.
- The winners indemnify and agree to keep indemnified and harmless, Wipro, IFP and its affiliates and their respective members, managers, directors, officers, employees, against all claims and demands (including costs and expenses arising therefrom or incidental thereto) which may be made against Wipro and IFP in respect of any loss or damage sustained or suffered or alleged to have been sustained or suffered by anyone arising out of or in connection with breach of any of these terms and conditions by the winners.